
About us

A Chemical Peel can achieve the following
Lift a dull, lifeless complexion


Chemical Peels are designed to restore the original beauty, integrity & youthful appearance of the skin by removing the dry dead skin cells & stimulating healthy skin cell function.

The Chemical Peel treatment involves applying a topical peel formula to your skin to create a controlled & even shedding of damaged skin cells. This exposes a new fresh layer of skin with a more even colour & a smoother texture resulting in a youthful healthy glow.


Conditions We Treat

We follow a systematic approach for all our services to get you desired results. 

Personalised skin plan 

Every skin is different and needs to be treated with a customised skin plan. Our experts thoroughly analyse the skin type and concerns before going ahead with the services. We also assist in helping you develop a customised skincare routine.

Highly experienced team

All our services are  performed by experienced and trained professionals. We see to it that all our clients receive the highest level of service and get rejuvenated and healthy-looking skin. Our highly-skilled professionals ensure all our clients feel at ease during the consultations and treatment sessions.

What our clients say

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